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The Daddy Void Project



Are you interested in changing history? Then join me as I continue to embark on the research required to complete my book entitled, "The Daddy Void, Discovering the Creative Purpose and Design for Women. This book will address the impact of fatherlessness on women.  If you would like to take a FREE assessment to determine your most dominate coping mechanism resulting from a dysfuctional or non-existent relationship with your father, please click on the link below.  This assesssment is FREE to the first 200 participants.

Anointed wives Ministry

The Whitehouse July 2015


My huband and I shared our testimony with the Anointed Wives Ministry powerful prayer call series, "For Better For Worse." If you missed it, please dial in and listen to the recording.  All things are possible.... 

Playback Number: (712) 432-0369

Access Code: 512500#

Reference number: 41 #


Coming Soon....

How to Change Your Husband in 30 days


How to Change Your Husband in 30 Days is an intense 30 dy devotional for wives who are tired of doing marriage their way and really want to see God show up and do something extraordinary.  By completing this devotional, wives will go on a journey that the author  knows  all too well. 


 “If you allow God to minister to you through your commitment to His Word by completing this challenge and guide... He will do the miraculous! The change however begins with you! The change must occur in you first and then everything else that is out of order in your life will have to follow suit.”



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